
Inspect Data

  • Events
  • Wizards
  • Execution Views
  • Buttons
  • Visits

Wizard Scoring

The score is calculated based on whether the wizard was completed the amount of wizard errors, failed steps and back to previous step button clicks. We deduct point to a wizard based on negative actions. If there are no negative actions and the we assume that the user was not evidently attempting to complete the wizard. Therefore we do not provide a score:

score = null

Otherwise, we start by establishing a baseline score:

score = 100 - 15*failedSteps - 10*errors - 5*backSteps

If the wizard was cancelled/abandoned we deduct extra points. We deduct 20 points, extra points for the negative actions and for the elapsed time (1.0 points per 6 seconds):

score = score - 20 - 3*(errors + stepErrors + backStepCount) - timespan/6

The minimum score is 0, so if the score drops below that, we assign it a score of 0. In case the score is below 40 and the wizard was completed, we assign a score of 40 to the wizard, rewarding the completion.

Execution Views Scoring

The score is calculated based on whether the execution view was completed the amount of execution view errors, failed tabs and change tab button clicks. We deduct point to a execution view based on negative actions. If there are no negative actions and the timespan was under 10 seconds assume that the user was not evidently attempting to complete the execution view. Therefore we do not provide a score:

score = null

Otherwise, we start by establishing a baseline score (notice that we need the intermediate calculation for execessive tab changes):

excessiveTabChangeCount = tabChangeCount ≥ totalTabs ? (tabChangeCount - totalTabs - 1) : 0score = 100 - 15*failedTabs - 10*errors - 5*excessiveTabChangeCount

If the execution view was cancelled/abandoned we deduct extra points. We deduct 20 points, extra points for the negative actions and for the elapsed time (1.0 points per 6 seconds):

score = score - 20 - 3*(errors + tabErrors + excessiveTabChangeCount) - timespan/6

The minimum score is 0, so if the score drops below that, we assign it a score of 0. In case the score is below 40 and the execution view was completed, we assign a score of 40 to the execution view, rewarding the completion.


Buttons do not have a scoring formula as they are simply interacted with clicks. However, they can still be grouped by their type, time of clicks and percentage of relevance when compared to all the other buttons in the platform. This way we can identify which buttons are used the most and which ones are more stale.